Friday, 6 December 2013

Christmas preparations

This week has been another busy week, Thank you for all the parents and grandparents who where able to come along to our stay and play session, we all really enjoyed the morning and hopefully you got to see what your children get to do throughout the day in nursery and reception.
This week we have made a Santas workshop in reception which children are wrapping presents for Santa, dressing up and writing their letters to him in.

We have also had fun putting up our joint Christmas tree where at the moment children are busily making decorations for.
As a group activity we where really excited to write our Christmas lists to Father Christmas on stockings, children really enjoyed this activity and wanted to write item after item on their lists which really help pencil control and writing phonetically.
We have also been busy baking this week both cakes and salt dough decorations. Children always enjoy baking and always want to do more. 
The Christmas play has been a big part of this weeks activities as we have been practising in the hall lots and can't wait till next week when you all come to see our proformance.

Friday, 22 November 2013

People who help us doctors

This week we have been focusing on doctors. Children have worked really hard at remembering the names of their different body parts. We asked the children to draw around one another and colour them in before sticking body parts in the correct places which most children did really well. 

Also this week we made a doctors surgery in the role play area, showing children how to use it and what to do in the surgery we also showed children the correct language for doctors tools including thermometer, stethoscope and prescriptions. Children loved playing in this area and took on the roles of doctor, patient and nurse with ease.


We have also been looking at how to use bandages what they are used for and how we put them on. Children loved bandaging up the babies then taking them to doctors surgery making up reasons for what had happened to their baby. We also looked at how we use each doctors tool and what they are    called.