Thursday, 18 December 2014

Christmas party!!

This afternoon we were very lucky and an extremely special visitor came to visit us during our Christmas party!!

Father Christmas gave us all a present each as well...

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Christmas stay and play

We all had a fantastic time at this weeks stay and play session!! We made some of our very own wrapping paper...

And made some lovely chocolate biscuit reindeer... Yum yum!!

Our mummies and daddies helped us to use the tweezers to pick up big and small Pom poms to decorate our Christmas was very tricky but we managed to make our trees look lovely and colourful!!

We also made some lovely patterned paper chains, played some snowman number games and made some wonderful sparkly Christmas cards!!

                        Thank you to all of you that attended, it was lovely to have you all
                              and we hope you had as much fun as we did!!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Christmas Treats!

As the children have worked so hard and been so sensible this term, we are having lots of special Christmas treats this week.

On Monday some of our adults came to help us with our Christmas crafts during our Stay and Play session. 

On Tuesday we had a cinema morning and watched the film Frozen, which had been a big part of our topic for the last few weeks. The singing along from the children was beautiful! 

After watching Frozen, the Reception children had a picnic party lunch.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Born This Night

We hope you have all enjoyed watching our Christmas performance this week. The children have worked so hard and they did an amazing job. Here are a few pictures of the children.

Christmas Dinner

This week we enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner. Thank you very much Mrs Bridge and all of your helpers!